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The hairdo

Compare to the sleek waterfall type of straight hair

The waving, especially the big curling, without a clear orientation hair

Generates more charm and imagination

Frames the face with certain warmth, mystery, and depth to wonder

I was drawn to that kind of hair at the first sight

Always wish I could have a nature born big waves on my hair

The current chemical waving treatment is a painful and unpleasant experience

The hot treatment may be fast and efficient, but too harsh and dangerous in my opinion

I found the old way in the old days rather environmentally friendly

The only down side would be a bit time consuming and less beauty presentable process

To best achieve the desired result, a good tool kit is essential

If the dimension of the roller determines the size of the final wave

Then, how easy your hair will stay there will have a final say to its feasibility and proactivity

I am thinking to get some smaller rollers for the front hair on the side

Just try to imagine

Some lovely curling dangles down the face


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